

Markedly is marketing consultancy focused on supporting creatives, designers and architects to find their feet when it comes to all things marketing. Founded by Amy Edwards three years ago, the team are passionate about advocating for the design and creative industries and have a deep understanding of how difficult it can be for freelancers, small makers and creatives to access the support and education they need for their businesses to thrive.

Which has seen the team predominantly work with small to medium design studios and creative individuals to start, grow and evolve their brands. The team’s marketing insights and strategic support gives any business the ability to build a brand around their passion, offering clear direction and giving you back time to focus on what you really enjoy most - being creative.

Amy grew up in a creative country family and although Amy and her team are now based in Brisbane she carries with her a deep understanding of the unique struggles of building a creative business outside the city bounds. Something that has fostered a progressive approach to offering marketing support, focused around providing dynamic levels of support to meet you and your business needs. (at)

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